From dyads to family systems: A bold newdDirection for infant mental health practice.
McHale, James P.; Phares, Vicky
This special issue on fathers was conceived as a rallying cry for all professionals to examine their practices of including fathers in their services. For too long, our profession has either ignored fathers’ important influences on infants and toddlers or given lip-service to their importance while allowing the status quo of not including fathers to continue. This article provides history and context for the impetus behind – and the hurdles to -- moving from dyads to family systems, and highlights a few forward-looking new programs and initiatives already transforming. It sounds a clarion call for each of us to dramatically alter the way we deal with fathers and families in our practice of infant mental health, and to begin doing so now.
Abstract only. Full-text article is available through licensed access provided by the publisher. Published in Zero to Three, 35(5), 2-10. Members of the USF System may access the full-text of the article through the authenticated link provided below.